
Palin Staying in Politics

alegrias7/12/2009 11:14:47 am PDT

re: #117

I’m not talking about Palin learning to copy anybody.

I’m simply talking about her own personal experiences. She was governor of Alaska, focused on Alaskan issues and talking to the citizens of Alaska.

She needs broader experience to be a player on the national scene. And this may give it to her. It would be a mistake, imo, for her not to put herself in a position to get this experience.

* * * * *
Joe Biden from a two-bit state has been “schooling” himself in DC for over 3 decades. Biden never had a state to govern, Biden never met a budget, Biden never ran a lemonade stand.

Biden is supposedly “expert” on foreign affairs after 35 years in DC.
Are you impressed by that gas bag Biden’s “experience”?

I am NOT impressed by strutting gas bags who pretend to have experience in foreign affairs, when their IDEOLOGY is appeasement & blaming America first.

Palin is free of the contagion of leftist appeasenik ideology & reflexive hatred of America.