
Video: Jakarta Hotel Bombing

SixDegrees7/17/2009 12:48:18 pm PDT

re: #140 Formercorpsman

Knowing there are many in Iran still determined to seek something different, something better for themselves & how so many of our media outlets have just let it go drives me insane.

One aspect that I keep coming back to, is how many in that realm (left leaning) were insistent that the Iraqis take a greater stake in their own future. Shoulder more of the burden. (Actually, a point I agreed with totally) but we have let down the folks in Iran who have actually done that.

I’m not sure I agree. I’d like to hear what’s going on over there, but I don’t think there’s anything meaningful the US can do, one way or the other. It’s really up to the Iranian citizenry and the various factions of church/state to work out a solution for themselves. Having the US fan the flames just gives the worst faction a hook to hang their accusations of foreign interference on.

The ignorance of the ongoing situation by the press, however, grinds my ass. It’s an enormously important story, and they’ve walked away from it, most likely because they’ve been threatened and because it doesn’t match any narratives they’re hoping to relate.