
Catholic Child Abuse Scandal in Ireland Gets Worse

Gang of One11/28/2009 12:56:24 pm PST

re: #141

I dunno Hoops, I do not know.
I think the priesthood may attract certain people for the ACCESS to young folks that priests have while in a position of authority, making it easy to manipulate the young ones.

The Church has known about these things for many many years, and did nothing.

I think these priests should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and what’s more, I think there ought to be extra charges and penalties for abusing the power of the office, in addition to whatever child abuse charges they face. If secular law enforcement can’t enforce extra penalties, the the Church should do it and should make sure the message is loud and clear - abuse will not be tolerated, particularly when it is abuse of the most vulnerable and impressionable among us.

Would Rome, has Rome, ever excommunicated anyone guilty of such heinous behavior? Does Rome even excommunicate anymore? Do Catholics fear excommunication as they did in the past?
Honest question, friends.