
Tea Party Convention Organizers Send Angry Email

SixDegrees1/31/2010 2:22:35 pm PST

re: #111


A lot of these things developed to reduce waste in food by using less desirable parts of the animal in tasty ways.

The food is not less nutritious - we are just so far removed from how our food gets to our table that we’ve become very very picky.

I’ve said this before, but this fixation on muscle meat - and only the best cuts of muscle meat - is pretty new. I remember as a kid we bought our meat at free-standing butcher shops, and they not only carried tongue, heart, liver, kidneys, brains, chitterlings, blood and what not, but had them all on display where people could actually see them. And they sold well. They were protein, they were cheap, and people were used to them. They were also used to more expensive cuts - sirloin, ribs and so forth - as relatively rare treats.

For a number of reasons, that has all changed. But it wasn’t all that long ago that we ate very differently.