
Overnight Open Thread

albusteve4/28/2010 6:22:21 am PDT

from Am Thinker

It is comforting to know Al Sharpton’s coif goes well with Arpaio provided pink underwear. The Right Reverend Sharpton has expressed plans to descend on the streets of Arizona to protest Governor Jan Brewer’s new immigration bill. Sharpton appears eager to join Lillian Rodriguez Lopez of New York City’s Hispanic Federation, as well as other activists fighting the Arizona law, by participating in acts of civil disobedience.

In response, Al is primed and pumped to disobey civil law, which is loosely defined as”an effort to induce change in policy or legislation, through passive resistance or other nonviolent means.” Does Sharpton really believe defending those who live outside the law exposes true racial injustice?

go get em Al…those racist AZ Nazis are going down