
Pamela Geller Pays to Publish Xenophobic Press Release

RogueOne8/16/2010 7:36:47 am PDT

Ex-inmate, now cleared, ponders the value of 27 years

He ponders, he says, whether to take a $2.2 million compensation payment from the state or file a lawsuit in the hope of exposing the truth about the investigation that led to his incarceration. To receive the compensation, he must waive the right to sue.

“What I really need to do is to make them pay for what they done to me,” he says. “Two-point-two million dollars is nothing when it comes to 27 years of my life.”

Green, 45, was set free by a state judge two weeks ago after DNA tests on the rape victim’s clothing proved that he could not have been responsible for the crime. His exoneration was the work of a new unit in the Harris County district attorney’s office dedicated to reviewing claims of innocence.