
Coulter Speaks to Gay Republicans: 'You're Not Black'

jamesfirecat9/26/2010 3:15:36 pm PDT

re: #138 sattv4u2

I didn’t say that

What I did say is if either were “caught in the act” of having sex

There was a “distinction” if I went up to my platoon commander and stated “I’m gay” or “I’m straight”

If I stated the former, I would be met with a shrug
The latter, not so much

Similar to POST DADT (hence, the don’t TELL part)

Umm… it says quite clearly…

Before “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the stated policy of the U.S. military was that “homosexuality is incompatible with military service.” All recruits were asked about their sexual orientation before they were allowed to serve. Service members suspected of being gay, lesbian or bisexual were questioned, prosecuted and even threatened with court martial and prison if they refused to give up the names of other service members who were also gay. Many of the gay soldiers being discharged were dishonorably discharged, making them ineligible for military pension and other retirement benefits.

“Service members suspected of being gay, lesbian or bisexual were questioned, prosecuted and even threatened with court martial and prison if they refused to give up the names of other service members who were also gay.”

So yeah you can’t really argue that DADT wasn’t a step in the right direction….

Well I suppose you can argue it, but its like arguing that at the moment tax cuts are the best way to stimulate the economy…

The facts are not in your favor….