
Meet Arkansas GOP State Representative Loy Mauch

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/16/2010 1:05:30 pm PST

re: #129 Cheese Eating Victory Monkey

This is a bit of a digression, but can anyone explain to me why there’s a major highway named after Jefferson Davis right outside DC? There also seem to be quite a few Jeff Davis high schools in the south.

With all this memorialization, why should anyone be surprised that there are people who think that the Confederacy had merit?

Didn’t know about that but I have a friend whose father was an alum of a high school named after Jeb Stuart. And my dad grew up near Lee Highway. ANd here in Virginia we celebrated Lee-Jackson-King day for the longest time too. I just don’t get why we celebrate these guys. They were traitors and I am sick of the sugarcoating that goes with that. Yes, you can be proud of your great great great grandfather but you can’t sugarcoat what the confederacy was all about and that is what drives me nuts about neo-confeds. Well that and they act like the union cause was somehow not noble. My only civil war relative was a German immigrant who fought for this country.