
Hilarious Anti-Evolution Rant of the Month, Courtesy of Sharron Angle's PAC

jamesfirecat12/17/2010 4:07:52 pm PST

re: #142 researchok

The hands up programs (and some do exist) are relegated to the background. Kennedy, Johnson and the classical liberals I mentioned were iconic in that they lived by the ‘What you can do for your country’ as opposed to the ‘what can your country do for you ideal’.

I believe that the successes of the civil rights movement (and yes, they are incomplete) could only have happened in the 60’s and 70’s, before the advent of identity politics and the fracturing into groups of society as we know it today.

MLK was a centrist and an inspirational figure to most Americans. As a humorous aside, there is some question as to his political affiliation- and that speaks volumes to his identity.

Here is a link to a piece I wrote a while back.

It is about the politicization of the LGT community.

Please read it keeping in mind my remarks are observatory in nature only. I suspect I don’t have to tell you that, but I just want to reiterate the point.

Disabilities, Sex And Politics

Dude… do you honestly think that being a transexual is about self hate rather than about someone’s mental chemicals being off?