
Now the Right Wants to Redefine 'Preventive' to Exclude Contraceptives

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)2/07/2011 11:27:31 am PST

re: #134 ralphieboy

Yes, fear of unwanted pregnancy is supposed to prevent premarital sex, just like fear AIDS is supposed to prevent homosexual relations and fear of the death penalty is supposed to prevent murder.

And in some parts of the world, fear of stoning is supposed to prevent adultery.

I think the only thing about this that is universal is that 17-22 year olds don’t think it will happen to them*

* - Yes, it applies to older (and younger) people as well, but that age group seems somewhat more prone to having the resources and will for major risk-taking without some of the learned experience that makes your internal voice say “what the hell?”