
Why Does the Right Hate Planned Parenthood?

Simply Sarah4/15/2011 9:05:04 pm PDT

re: #138 Aceofwhat?

ok. i thought through what you wrote, because i don’t disagree, and i think it’s my perception (accurate or not…you tell me) that an anti-contraceptive fanatic doesn’t relax their stance based on marital status. no contraceptive soup for you, even if you’re married.

so i wanted to respectfully object to the suggestion that those who applaud a chaste ambition are the same as those who wish to deny contraceptives to the married and the unmarried alike. if the anti-contraceptive crowd just wanted to force ‘sex in marriage only’, they’d work to deny contraceptives to the non-married.

or maybe i’m batty. that’s always a possibility…

Well, a lot of it is a knee jerk response from many women (And men) to hearing the term “chastity”, since it has been and is often used by said fanatics. We go on alert and are probably prone to jump at shadows a bit.