
Right Wing Media Fall for 'Paul Krugman' Impersonator

Birth Control Works8/24/2011 12:14:13 pm PDT

Why Have the Apostles Behind Rick Perry’s Prayer Rally Been Invisible to Most Americans?

he Unified Church of the End Times

The apostles of the NAR view themselves as leading the one legitimate church and unifying Christianity for the end times. In their end times scenario, it is necessary to take control over societal and governmental entities before Jesus can return. But first, as could be heard repeatedly in the messages at Rick Perry’s prayer event, the church has to repent and be cleansed.

In the context of the teachings of the NAR, the repeated calls for repentance of the church at Perry’s prayer event were about cleansing Protestantism of its toleration of homosexuals, a woman’s right to choose, and most importantly - of its toleration for religious pluralism, separation of church and state, and secular government. Again, toleration of those things of which they disapprove is not a virtue, but a sign that one is controlled by demons.

Rick Joyner, one of the major thinkers of the movement, has written about a coming “civil war in the church,” claiming that those Christians who don’t join in their restoration are the “children of their father, the devil” and must be “converted, or removed from their place of influence in the church.”

These people are either whacked or laughing all the way to the bank!