
Maddow: Egyptians Protest Clinton Based on Glenn Beck

researchok7/18/2012 3:19:54 pm PDT

re: #138 Charles Johnson

Perhaps it is an ‘eye of the beholder thing’.

Still, I believe what Beck and Gaffney have done is far more than spread a few conspiracy theories. They fueling the worst elements of the remnants of a very broken system and I believe they are doing it knowingly.

Like him or not, Beck is a very media savvy and smart guy. He knows exactly how his words will be taken and misused.

If you are right in how you heard Maddow, so be it. I just wish she had taken Beck and Gaffney to the woodshed for what they had to know is a concerted effort to deliberately undermining the nascent democracy movement- which has enough to deal with without the interference from outsides deliberately looking to sacrifice them so as to humiliate the Obama administration.

First I’m posting articles from The Nation, now I’m harder on Beck than Maddow.

I need a drink.