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No Malarkey!4/17/2013 8:16:50 am PDT

re: #115 Charleston Chew

Back in the early 2000s I was thoroughly sick of the shaky cam fad (from 80s commercials to shows like NYPD Blue to shitty 90s Dogma to Bourne movies) so it took me extra long to discover The Office (the original) was actually worth seeing because the nightmare that was the first season photography of Arrested Development had me reaching for the Dramamine and swearing off any production that couldn’t be bothered to invest in a camera mount.

But I guess it’s here to stay. Shit directors discovered that no one could tell how bad they are at making movies because no one can see anything to begin with. It’s the perfect crime.

After watching The Blair Witch Project, I hurled in the theater restroom. And it wasn’t even scary.