
Reports: Oklahoma Horribly Botches Execution

Lidane4/29/2014 7:03:44 pm PDT

OT, but predictable FB wingnut is predictable:

So, in the last couple weeks we’ve had a CEO forced to resign due to his anti-gay sentiment, and now a NBA franchise owner banned from the sport, and potentially forced to sell his franchise because of a racist comment he made. Does this not scare you even a little? Does this not bring forth thoughts of McCarthyism? People can now lose their jobs/careers because of their views and opinions. Better watch what you say from now on.

I’m not saying their opinions are right (nor are their specific comments what this post is about), but is this the road that we, as free-speech loving Americans, really want to go down? Sure, it feels good to get the bad guys out now, but what if you say something that a person in the next booth at a restaurant hears and they get offended? Will they remove you from the restaurant? If your neighbor doesn’t like you, can they report you for saying something ‘offensive’, and have you be forced to move away?

Yes, it seems extreme now, but isn’t that where this road has led to so many times in the history of man? The Spanish Inquisition? The Salem Witch Hunts? The Red Scare (McCarthyism)?

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” - Voltaire (is the guy that generally gets credit for this quote)
I feel the same way. I can choose to turn off the TV if it offends me. If someone has a view I don’t like, I can choose to not communicate with them. I can choose to not frequent businesses in which I don’t approve of the owner’s views. But I will fight to the death for their right to express them (asinine as they may be).

Isn’t that what the First Amendment is also about? Freedom of speech? But now, if you say something we don’t like, we’re going to make you go away. That’s not freedom…that’s censorship. (I call it bully-censorship because they are literally bullying people to be quiet.)

We, as a nation, are actually forcing people to fall in line or be punished.
Maybe I am over-reacting, but to me, this is setting a very scary precedent.
