
Pat Robertson's Latest Crazed Tirade: Gays Are Going to Force You to Like Bestiality

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing4/03/2015 5:14:12 pm PDT

re: #140 #FergusonFireside

On the personal topic, which ya’ll need….I went to the expensive market and went crazy. I bought a smoked duck breast (salad tomorrow) some beef n cheese soup (breakfast) a fancy hamburger of lamb, beef & pork (freezer) and a huge frenched pork chop.

A stilton chunk, crackers. Prob tonight appetizer.

A blue cheese potato salad. Tonight.

Onions, Asparagus & tomatoes from the garden. Asparagus def tonight.

I’m making the pork chop tonight.

I’ve been on a terrible take out routine. I’m gonna get better

So, party at ferguson’s house :D