
Video: Elizabeth Warren Says TPP Deal Is "Rigged"

ObserverArt4/23/2015 12:32:55 pm PDT

re: #115 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Most of the IP theft I saw was very small scale and local. It wasn’t as if there was a giant factory just outside of Jakarta pumping out copies of “The Expendables.” Sure it costs us some money but a treaty isn’t going to do much to stop some guy from duping DVDs on a home computer and then selling them at the local outdoor market.

I knew a printer here in Columbus Ohio that was doing just that back in the early 90s. He was duping the CD booklets. He was cock sure he would never ever get caught…thought he was too small time. He got caught. He lost everything…all equipment, all paper stock, his building and his house. I think he even got a bit of behind-the-bars time.

And, all this stuff was being sold exactly as you said, at flea markets and small little shops and stores. All right here in America.