
An Excellent Guitarist From Costa Rica: Gustavo Wattson, "De Vuelta a Casa"

CarolJ7/09/2016 2:14:34 pm PDT

I agree that it’s going to be a shit-show at the RNC. No speakers, half the crowd less than enthusiastic about the nominee, and probably no money beyond what the RNC raised before Trump. Yes, people will tune in to see just how much of a wreck this thing is, but that’s not what a nominee wants to get out of the ratings.

It looks like its going to be a procrastinator’s delight-everything will go down to the wire, the last minute-and look like it. VP, simple things like decor, speakers, hastily assembled out of whatever materials are already at hand. I wouldn’t even be surprised if speakers and events are announced the morning of the event. Meanwhile, Trump has made so many people mad for so many reasons that the protests will probably draw a larger crowd than the convention and be more organized to boot.

Hills, on the other hand has inherited the Obama masters of organization. Everything is probably already nailed down-maybe even some of the backdrops and stage equipment. While we don’t know who her VP is yet, all the speakers are getting ready for their cues. And despite the MSM talking about how she is “disliked” we Democrats like her just fine and are enthusiastic about her.