
Samantha Bee Profiles the Many Nazis Running as Republicans: Fascists to Watch 2018

HRH Stanley Sea8/16/2018 3:42:14 pm PDT

I’m going to do a rare pontificate.

Y’all who diss the press continuously. You are doing Trump’s work. Helping him, enforcing his enemy of the people shtick
You are aiding & abetting. They are people doing a job. Fucking Walter Cronkite did shit wrong.

Y’all who diss dissent, no matter who the fuck it is against Trump, you are diminishing their hopeful power from the inside. They may fucking rise up. What do we know?

I have always claimed to be a glass half full person
When I see us diss the good people who might assist in this nightmare & the PRESS trying their best to do the job………..frustrated AF