
Veritasium: What Jumping Spiders Teach Us About Color Vision

BeachDem6/02/2024 8:15:04 am PDT

I know this has become an evergreen comment from me but just when you thought Kathleen Parker couldn’t get any more ridiculous, today’s column proves you wrong.

No link because, ugh, but a few choice quotes:

Democrats weaponing flags to intimidate Alito is an embarrassment
Martha-Ann Alito isn’t out of control. She’s just exercising her freedom.

Meanwhile, this supercilious scandal isn’t about flags, but about — what else? — abortion…My guess is Justice Alito doesn’t and didn’t know what his free-spirited wife was up to. His head tends to be in a cloud where words, not flags, occupy his mind…

She. Is. Pathetic.

Why, oh why, does the WaPo keep this pathetic piece of crap on their payroll? If they want a sassy southern woman columnist, hire Celia Rivenbark