
From Fish to Football

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks3/12/2009 11:40:09 pm PDT

re: #143 dukecav

Man…Am I the only one who feels this site is jumping the shark on the whole creation thing?

Nope, there are plenty of people who think this. Just like there are plenty of people who think the threat of radical, fundamentalist islam is overblown. Just like there are plenty of people who think 9/11 was an “inside job”. Doesn’t mean that they, or you, are right.

Its like Andrew Sullivan’s torture mime

WTF? What the hell is a torture mime? Is this one?

Enough already…..Lets move on to something important.

Tell me, what subject do you think is “more important”. You can answer that here, or you could, you know, do so on your OWN FUCKING BLOG!