
What Right Wing Racism?

simoom3/06/2010 9:11:57 pm PST picked the story up:

Out of about 50 comments so far, there are maybe six that think there is anything wrong with the e-mail. Most of the commenters instead take the racism and run with it (or one up it). For example:

Really? I’ve always thought she looked more “orangutanish”.
Some of us love a little nookie, but it looks like BO loves a big old wookie. (sorry Chewbacca)
I’ve been saying the same thing for months, should I apologize?
Michelle is married to Curious George, I can’t see why this would upset her.
You have to remember, Old Pre Civil War Southern Democrates didn’t breed their slaves to be beautiful, but to be big and strong so that they could carry the bales of cotten. It’s nice to see that the decendants of slavery are still loyal to their former owners.
Why isn’t PETA up in arms. That’s dissing Cheeta if you ask me. What’s her name would have to have a makeover to look as good as Cheeta.
The Simian anti-defamation league called, and they’re pi$$ed. They heard of the comparison between Michelle Obama and chimpanzees. They just want to point out that they don’t hate whitey.
What a foole, everyone knows Tiger Woods is Cheeta.
I do not remember the chimp being that fat and that ugly.
Isn’t having a Marxist President great? If anyone has a complaint, it should be the chimps. Making that comparison is actually being pretty darn kind to Michelle.
I’ve never said she looked like any thing outside the human species…but I am still not convinced she hasn’t gone through gender reassignment.
Preposterous! The First Lady looks nothing like a chimpanzee. She does, however, greatly resemble Chewbacca.

In the past, when O’Reilly or Hannity needed some quick filler they would comment-mine DailyKos (or other liberal blogs) for outrageous comments they could paint the entire left with. ‘Seems they should look in to cleaning up their own backyard before going down that road again.