
Pat Buchanan: Tea Parties Are a 'New Tribe Rising'

Fozzie Bear4/20/2010 11:22:06 am PDT

“White Ethnonationalism”

What a cute little euphemism for Nazi ideology.

Hitler was widely considered a fool and a clown in late Wiemar Germany. I don’t imagine Americans to be any wiser or more prescient than the average German was at the time. All this discontent, this stoked fire, this fantasy of victimization and the promise of a “real American” to save us from the “other” is fruit ripe for the picking for the next fool or clown.

What amazes me is that this kind of thing could start bubbling up when we are still so fat and spoiled, by and large. There aren’t many Americans starving to death, our currency is still functional, and our markets still full of food. It shows the raw power of mass propaganda, as we have perfected it. No organization or nation has ever in the history of man even come close to the skill of the American propaganda industry. It really is astounding.