
Eric Cantor Joins the Bigot Brigade

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/12/2010 11:22:10 am PDT

re: #121 captdiggs

There are parts of the world where freedom of speech is quite limited.
Are you saying that such limits are better? Or that some parts of the Constitution are more equal than others?

I am very curious how you possibly got that from what I wrote. Could you please explain that to me? I don’t speak wingnut?

BUt I will say your respoonse reeks of a massive mental malfunction on a wholly other level. From it, one might falsely get the impression that you care about upholding American rights and liberties,.

Or is it when you talk about some parts of teh constitution being more important than others, you imagine that something allows congres to make a law abridging freedom of religion?

Actually I don’t care. I don’t speak wingnut and I am sure whatever gibberish you produced in response would not be worth any sane person’s time.