
Philadelphia Archdiocese Suspends 21 Priests in Latest Abuse Scandal

SanFranciscoZionist3/08/2011 9:30:32 pm PST

Seriously, a person is pro-life, they’re not a dick, I got no problem with it. I have very strong beliefs about the need to keep abortion legal, but I don’t write off anyone who opposes abortion, or even wants to ban abortion, as a bad person.

Someone who says, outright, “A human life is sacred, and I don’t think anyone has a right to abort,” we can argue till the cows come home, and not convince each other, but if there isn’t some nasty agenda hiding up her sleeve, we’re good.

But Changomo was being dishonest from the start. That, or spectacularly clueless, but the language makes me think dishonest.