
Deserting a Sinking Ship: Gingrich's Entire Iowa Campaign Staff Resigns

Cannadian Club Akbar6/09/2011 1:58:27 pm PDT

re: #137 theheat

Dates his rapid deafness appeared coincide with his longterm drug abuse.

From WIKI:
Rush Limbaugh has described himself as being “100%, totally deaf”.[102] In 2001, he was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED), which, in the span of three months, rendered his right ear completely deaf and left ear severely deaf. “I cannot hear television. I cannot hear music. I am, for all practical purposes, deaf – and it’s happened in three months.”[103] On December 19, 2001, doctors at the House Ear Clinic in Los Angeles were able to successfully restore a measure of his hearing through a surgical procedure known as a cochlear implant surgery. Limbaugh received a Clarion CII Bionic Ear.[104] In 2005, Limbaugh was forced to undergo “tuning” due to an “eye twitch”, an apparent side-effect of cochlear implants.[105]