
Yet Another Anti-Gay Gay Republican

Kragar8/12/2011 1:01:19 pm PDT

Gay Man Challenges Pawlenty On Opposition To Marriage Equality: ‘Do You Think I’m A Second Class Citizen?’

Q: I thought our country was about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for everyone, no exceptions. So Tim Pawlenty, I want to know know — when will you stand up for me…because you are discriminating against me and it hurts, it really does.

PAWLENTY: I understand we have a difference of opinion on this issue…the relationship between a man and a woman in a traditional marriage is important to our country, our society, our culture…

Q: I support that you have your moral values, but that is something that is hurting my future and how I get to live my life…why does government get involved in our marriages? … Do you think I’m a second class citizen?

PAWLENTY: We’re just going to have a respectful disagreement, sir.