
Wednesday Open Thread

EPR-radar6/19/2013 6:00:19 pm PDT

re: #133 GeneJockey

re: #123 EPR-radar

That’s a good point. Viewed rationally, the economic side of American politics has been drifting rightward for at least 30 years - lower taxes on wealth and the wealthy; deregulation of banks and investment; union busting, etc. And yet the Right talks as though we’re inches away from a Collectivist nightmare.

I think it’s because they’re gradually losing all the Culture War arguments, and since they can’t separate the economic and cultural issues, they see EVERYTHING slipping away from them.

It is certainly plausible that the Powers That Be have evolved into this very convenient arrangement since just after the New Deal. If so, the role of the GOP was to lose, noisily, on the culture war front. The role of the Democrats was to lose, quietly, on all the economic issues.

The teabaggers are a complicating influence —- they don’t realize they aren’t supposed to win on their social issues.