
60 Minutes Backing Down on Benghazi Report? Update: CBS Pulls 60 Minutes Benghazi Video Page

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/07/2013 8:01:39 pm PST

re: #142 calochortus

Yeah, I kind of thought not. Sandra Fluke is an example of the problem, not the cause. I’ve noticed the wingnuts spending a lot of time and electrons hating on single women the last couple days.
I might almost say they feel threatened by independent young women, but that couldn’t be could it? I mean they’re all about personal freedom. aren’t they? /

Yeah I saw what Limbaugh said about single women. That they just want government to help them. Funny Rush, most of the single ladies I’ve known have been very hard working. And my aunt divorced actually but single technically still for the past 30 years, we call her Sarge in our family. A tough cookie that one. I do think there is jealously there. That imbecile Fischer was saying that Cuccinelli won with married women ergo liberals want women to be single so they’ll vote for them. Yeah it’s not that liberals don’t judge women based on their martial status and that conservatives like Fischer and his candidate of choice are judgmental sexist dicks.