
Friday Night Reality Jam: Reggie Watts' Amazing TED Talk

darthstar5/10/2014 7:15:51 am PDT

Well, this is good news…the FBI apparently frowns on people pointing loaded weapons at federal officers - including those who work for the Bureau of Land Management. So the Bundy Ranch militia could be seeing an end to some of those Second Amendment rights they so love…

Numerous members of the Metro Police force that were at the scene have confirmed that they’ve spoken with the FBI and that an investigation is definitely underway. It is against federal law to point a firearm at a federal officer.

Yeah…that does suck…

Police officers and BLM agents that were there feel pretty confident that the FBI is going to be able to find clear evidence of several members of Bundy’s posse aiming loaded weapons at them. Considering that local news stations ended up filming and covering a good portion of the standoff means that there is probably ample video coverage of the event. Not to mention surveillance cameras or cell phones that might have gathered footage. It seems like a foregone conclusion that Bundy and many of his armed fanatics will be seeing heavy jail time in the near future.

I fought the law and…how does the rest of that verse go?