
Idaho Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down

lawhawk5/14/2014 6:29:59 am PDT

re: #140 Pie-onist Overlord

The GOP elected officials, with only a handful of exceptions, is against the minimum wage, and several are for abolishing it altogether. Their position is that the minimum wage harms employment rates, ignoring that the minimum wage wont give anyone a chance of getting out of poverty and off the safety net that the GOP has been trying to undo for the past two generations. They want to not only undo the safety net, but the means to avoid the safety net altogether. They ignore that the higher wages of a higher minimum wage can result in more jobs and money spread through the system by those who will spend it - the millions who would benefit from the wage boost.

That’s something they must be held to account for.

A more pithy synthesis for twitter purposes: