
Glenn Greenwald Uses a Holocaust Denier as a Source, Then Defends It

blueraven8/06/2014 1:45:35 pm PDT

re: #135 lawhawk

Or the fact that this Congress and this GOP has steadfastly sought to undermine the President by any means available, up to and including sabotaging the economy to do so.

That includes not passing additional jobs bills beyond the ARRA of 2009, infrastructure bills, or any other stimulus packages that would generate jobs and get people working and stoking the economy. Instead, they’ve talked down the economy and made debt reduction the only game in town, even as they ignored debt from 2000 to 2008. To the GOP, tax cuts and spending reductions were the only way to save the economy, even though they’ve shown up time and again as the reason that the economic recovery has taken longer and hasn’t been as widespread as prior recoveries. Throw in the sequester, and you’ve got the GOP answer for the economy.

Oh, and now the GOP is trying to complain about how Obama is gutting the military because the Defense Department has to comply with the same sequester - automatic cuts across the board, and that means reducing troop requirements. FoxNews calls this “Obama gutting the military” when it should be more properly construed as Congress required military cuts to comply with their appropriations law.

I cant even guess how many government jobs were lost due to cuts, I am sure there are charts somewhere, but I know it was a lot. That didn’t help any!