
New Michael Brown Shooting Witnesses: Brown Had His Hands Up When He Was Shot to Death

Dr Lizardo9/11/2014 12:41:05 pm PDT

re: #135 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

I imagine reading Atlas shrugged would be akin to trying to read the GOR series.

Heh. If I were offered a choice between Atlas Shrugged or de Sade’s Philosophy in the Boudoir, I know what I’d pick in a heartbeat.

At least de Sade is readable. And in Philosophy, he includes a section (as a pamphlet read by one of the main characters) that I’m pretty sure sets out de Sade’s worldview. Complete and utter amoralism.

As I recall, one line went “If man has been gifted with a violent nature, then surely Nature must be pleased whenever we slay one another, for such an act is most pleasing to Nature as we are using the very qualities she has endowed us with.” Or something to that effect.

De Sade has called the first Amoralist; even before Nietzsche.