
Chuck C. Johnson's Latest Attack Piece Is a Vicious Deliberate Lie, and His Own Video Proves It

Justanotherhuman12/10/2014 3:10:42 pm PST

Senator Publicizes Classified CIA Report To Prove The Agency Is Lying

“Director [John] Brennan and the CIA today are continuing to willfully provide inaccurate information and misrepresent the efficacy of torture,” Udall said, reiterating his call on Brennan to resign. “In other words, the CIA is lying.”

“In January of 2014, CIA officials accused the Intelligence Committee of improperly accessing the review and later admitted hacking into the Senate Intelligence Committee’s computers in a possible effort to intimidate committee staff working on the torture report. Democrats charged that the hacking was really an effort to strip the Panetta review from Senate computers. Udall disclosed the existence of the review last year.

“In his speech, the Colorado senator revealed — for the first time — that the Panetta review confirmed the Senate’s conclusion that “the CIA repeatedly provided inaccurate information to the Congress, the president and the public on the efficacy of its coercive techniques.” Former Bush administration officials and the CIA have publicly disputed this claim.”
