
Awful Right Wing Twitter Troll Todd Kincannon Arrested for Domestic Violence

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/07/2015 3:42:17 am PDT

In the latest quest to find a martyr the religious right has found a chaplain:

Forbes, others question Navy chaplain’s removal


But the Navy chaplain - who’s fighting accusations that he pushed conservative Christian views about sexual relations and homosexuality on sailors - has drawn the interest of local congressmen.

U.S. Rep. Randy Forbes, a Chesapeake Republican and co-chairman of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, is questioning the Navy’s treatment of Modder. He led 34 other Republican legislators in sending a letter last week to the Secretary of the Navy asking for an explanation.

Modder was removed from his counseling duties at the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command in February because he “failed to show tolerance and respect” and “discriminated against students who were of different faiths and backgrounds,” according to the notice given to Modder by Capt. Jon Fahs, leader of the command in Goose Creek, S.C., near Charleston. […]

Fahs cited a half-dozen complaints filed by sailors in his letter to Modder, including: a sailor who said Modder told him homosexuality is wrong; a female sailor who says Modder told her she was “shaming herself in the eyes of God” for having premarital sex; and a pregnant sailor who says Modder criticized her for not being married.

Modder denies the allegations. He is working with a Texas-based religious rights advocacy group called the Liberty Institute. […]

The Family Research Council has also pressed for Modder’s reinstatement, sending an online petition with 100,000 names to the secretary of defense last week.


Meanwhile, Kibben is slated to meet in the coming days with Forbes and a handful of legislators to address their concerns. The lawmakers also want to talk about the Navy’s protection of religious freedom.

The article, which appears to me to try and present Chaplain Modder in a good light, with a picture of him provided by the Liberty Institute and another picture of him at a ceremony, still makes it clear that his captain reviewed the cases and is the one who dismissed Modder.