
Seth Meyers Nautical Attic Sessions: Trump Threatens to Send More Secret Police, Media Praise His "New Tone"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/23/2020 7:03:28 am PDT

re: #142 Belafon

You might want to come to Texas before you make that kind of answer, Mouse.

I don’t go to Texas any more. It’s too dangerous.

Within the last decade, Texas was still prosecuting people for possession of sex toys. The law was declared “functionally unconstitutional,” but that doesn’t stop Texas from continuing.

It’s also an open-carry state where wingnuts deliberately provoke and terrorise people.

It’s full of Christian bigots who would beat me to a pulp or string me up in a second.

As for masks, if the polling is 80% in favour of a mandatory mask requirement, where in Texas are 80% of people wearing them voluntarily?

Texas right now is a leper colony. Our own state, with its lax requirements, has a mandatory quarantine for anyone who comes from Texas for two weeks.