
Veritasium: What Jumping Spiders Teach Us About Color Vision

Unabogie6/02/2024 8:15:51 am PDT

On personal news:

Took us a while longer than we expected due to some installation issues, but our whole home backup generator seems to finally be running correctly. Some issues we ran into should you ever want one:

1. The generator required a ground wire attached to the battery but this wasn’t in the manual that shipped, so the company had to come back and install it.
2. The gas regulator had to be moved because anything closer than 5 feet to the generator voids the warranty
3. The regulator, it turned out, wasn’t suitable for the generator and a special one had to be ordered.

All of this took a few months to get settled and figured out. The company was good about fixing everything. Kudos there.

This morning I went out and simulated a power outage and it kicked on, powered the house, and we went around turning on appliances before shutting it off. Everything worked as expected.