
Gitmo Inmates to Be Released in US, Given 'Assistance'

leereyno3/27/2009 9:03:37 am PDT

Whenever I read stories like this I’m always reminded of the words of Winston Churchill who said that in a democracy, the people get the government they DESERVE.

It is easy to blame Obama, or Pelosi, or any of the other myriad leftist 5th columnists who are working so continuously for the destruction of our nation and its reforging as a socialist dystopia.

But what you have to remember is that these people were elected. They didn’t just show up one day on the steps of the capitol and the white house and demand the keys. It is the failure of the American people to perceive them for what they are and to say NO that has led us to where we are today.

So the next time you’re tempted to blame the symptom, remember the root cause.