
LGF Palin Approval Polls

Kosh's Shadow7/07/2009 12:03:23 pm PDT

re: #70 Killgore Trout

There definitely a growing power vacuum at the top of the GOP. Anything can happen in 2012. I’m starting to think the next nominee will be someone we’ve never even heard of before. Possibly even someone who isn’t even in politics yet.

I’ll run.
My platform will be:
Strong defense
Strong support for Israel as a Jewish state
Reliance on an open, capitalist economy, with protections for investors
Heavy investment in safe nuclear power with reprocessing to reduce requirements for more fuel.
But with incentives for private companies to develop other energy sources. The government will not pick technologies other than on the basis of actual tests.
Same for the space program - contracts for companies that can deliver new and improved access to space.

And a unicorn in every pot. (Tofunicorns for vegetarians)/

I’ll tell the Saudis I’ll go there when there is a Chabad house I can pray at. And there is no way I will bow down to them.

Here’s some other ideas. If a company hires illegal aliens, and they have to use public health care, the company is liable, especially if they’re injured on the job. They get to stay here until they’re well, and then go home courtesy of the company that hired them.