
Tuesday Afternoon Music: Antoine Dufour and Tommy Gauthier, 'Solitude'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/17/2009 8:34:31 pm PST

re: #144 Capitalist Tool

All right. Someone just down-dinged my last post- you want to tell me why?

Linking to a WUWT as an authoritative source will usually get a down-ding from me… I feel about WUWT the same way that Charles feels about AiG.

Also, your last paragraph is very off base… many here either know about or care about these issues, without any pretense to believing in some sort of conspiracies by governments to stand “in the way” of a perfect solution. Indeed, your claim is too similar to those who claim that they’ve invented the perfect carburetor (that will allow cars to get hundreds of miles to the gallon) only to have their invention snatched away by the gov’t (or big oil, or GM, or some other boogeyman.)