
Politifact's Lie of the Year: 'Death Panels'

sattv4u212/20/2009 11:50:12 am PST

re: #139 Locker

My standards are not the same for lie vs promise. You can’t apply one to the other.

Making a statement of “fact” out of thin air, with no reason to believe it’s true and no evidence to support your statement can’t be dismissed with “she believed it” or “I didn’t know it wasn’t true”. It’s a deliberate attempt to disguise opinion as fact, in the best case. In the worst case it’s a deliberate attempt to pass false information.

On the other hand if someone makes a promise to do something which seems doable and then is later unable to do it doesn’t make it a lie by default. It’s only a lie if the person was attempting to deceive when they made the statement.

You can tell the difference right?blockquote>

And you were doing so well until you just HAD to throw a little shot in at the end!
