
Overnight Open Thread

145 7:26:11 am PDT

re: #140 Dark_Falcon

I can imagine how you feel, but that does happen. Thankfully, not often, so just live your life well and take good care of yourself.

Thanks DF.
re: #141 Obdicut

I’m sorry to hear that.

Fate is fickle, and yes, we can all go at any time.

Which is why we should cherish each other while we’re here. And remember each other when we’re gone.

Yes, of course you are right.
I have a selfish reason for wanting to live awhile longer, I want to see my daughter graduated from college and settled in life. I’ve got some sort of immune system glitch, for which I get treatment that keeps me healthy most of the time. But it still makes me more susceptible to things… and I worry about it. Nothing I can do, though, it is what it is.

re: #142 Cannadian Club Akbar

My dad caught MERSA while in the hospital. His life changed. And mine as well (this is not about me). He lost his hip neck, so he couldn’t walk. Ended with me taking care of him for 14 months. Sucked, but I wouldn’t change it. Except him dying.

That is scary stuff. My hubby feels like she probably caught something in the hospital that added to her difficulties, whatever they were. He just about refuses to ever go to a hospital. That is indeed where the bad stuff lurks.