
2010: Year of the Craven Candidates

goddamnedfrank10/05/2010 12:08:07 pm PDT

Mike Rosen discusses A Conversation About Race.

Rosen: “11:20, Craig Bodeker our guest put together a documentary called A Conversation About Race. In which you’ll see a variety of people; a pretty white blond female, 20 years old or so, a college student, and a young black woman, and some young black gang-bangers, and a businessman, and some older black people, and an aging female hippie - was she from Boulder by the way?”

Bodeker: “Lakewood actually.”

Rosen: “Lakewood, of course [laughs]. Anyway, it’s interesting, and he puts a series of questions to them, and as the questions progress, they get trapped in the logic, and they’re snared logically and can’t carry through some of the things they had agreed to earlier in any consistent patter of treating races equally. It’s obvious that they’re playing favorites in this case, and they favorite that they’re playing in this case is black. So the definition of racism is elusive for just about all of these people, and then when they finally try to come up with one it’s a very self serving, inconsistent, irrational definition.”