
Overnight Open Thread

Varek Raith10/07/2010 9:24:19 am PDT

O’Donnell complains of ‘character assassination’

Newark, Delaware (CNN) — Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell is asking voters to give her a second look. At a candidate forum sponsored by a group of local Republicans, O’Donnell blamed her campaign’s recent troubles on unfair coverage in the “liberal media.”

“I’ve put my name on the line. And I’ve taken a lot of hits … a lot of character assassination,” O’Donnell said.

A local GOP leader moderated Wednesday night’s tightly controlled event, asking the candidate her positions on taxes, spending and the new health care law. O’Donnell did take a few questions from the audience. But she left the forum via a back door and did not stop for interviews with reporters.

O’Donnell has made fewer public appearances since her stunning Tea Party-backed win in the Republican primary three weeks ago. But just days after her victory, HBO comedian Bill Maher unearthed an embarrassing video clip of O’Donnell admitting she had once “dabbled in witchcraft.”
