
An Attack on the Existence of Labor Unions

Birth Control Works2/19/2011 11:41:22 am PST

re: #131 theheat

Yes, but I can’t regulate China or India or Pakistan or Malaysia, or any other country we buy a lot of imports from. Global regulations are pretty delicate, particularly if it only serves to protect the US.

Actually, wasn’t part of the agreements Obama made with China recently about exactly that. Our federal departments can go into their factories and “consult” on conditions.

No, it’s not the whole world, but a significant start.

Corporations can also refuse to buy from factories that don’t follow certain standards. Some do, some don’t.

We also have import regulations.

Again, as we work to bring the rest of the world up to our standards, it will make the rest of the world our competitor.

Growing pains … .