
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

EastSider7/12/2012 8:18:16 pm PDT

A few thoughts:

1) The GOP picked the least controversial candidate of the six eight ten (?) originally presented. Someone who has spent much of his adult life avoiding scandal and is by all accounts the most polished and refined possible choice. And he is still a monumental fuckup with an unclear past.

2) On that point, Romney’s past is a train wreck. His biggest asset (business experience) has now become a giant liability. His biggest legislative accomplishment was the petry dish for Mordor, as far as the GOP is concerned. Anything happening more than 4 years ago is off the table.

3) On top of this, Romney has no future-facing positions that he advocates with force (or, none that I’m aware of, and I consider myself to be at least moderately informed of what’s going on). The most coherent position I’ve heard is that he will be “pro-business” whatever that means.

Any attempt to make the campaign about Romney is good news for Obama (and clearly, the Dems are not going to stop hitting that well for quite some time). At this point, the GOP is running on Obama’s negatives.

And as a reminder, that would be the negatives for the guy who personally ordered the take down of the biggest enemy since Hitler in a fashion so dramatic that Tom Clancy would have thrown it out as unbelievable and over-the-top.

Bon chance, GOP.