
A Gritty, Powerful NPR Tiny Desk Concert: Black Dub (Trixie Whitley and Daniel Lanois)

Higgs Boson's Mate1/30/2015 10:07:34 pm PST

re: #141 palomino

No, not at all disqualifying. I doubt any of the candidates, even Jindal, remained perfectly sober through their HS and college years.

But it does raise the patrician vibe of “do as I say, not as I do”. Most of all, it makes one wonder how much Romneyesque flip flopping Jeb will have to do in the primaries. He’s a conservative who became a moderate, but will have to go back to pretending he’s “severely conservative” in order to win votes from the gop’s tp/rube contingent.

My memory of the last go-round isn’t that detailed. I do seem to recall that the freaks scored scattered victories while the ordained nominee ran up his delegate count. I wouldn’t count on Bush tacking too hard to the right because he knows that the base will turn out for him anyway. The freaks will throw enough red meat to the rubes to keep them involved.