
Video: Hillary Clinton's Campaign Announcement

Eclectic Cyborg4/12/2015 2:43:11 pm PDT

Even if HIlary wins. I predict a high chance congress will remain divided. Clinton as President with a GOP Senate and House would put her in the same position as Obama, having to veto all the stuff the GOP tries to pass and put up with their continued efforts to undermine the Presidency.

Mitt Romney might have lost in 2012, but the Dems didn’t pick up enough momentum to keep the legislature (in fact they LOST ground to the GOP in both the House and Senate). The Dems haven’t made siginificant progress in either chamber since 2008. In fact, since Obama was elected they’ve been slowly giving up seats in both. I’m not sure how strongly I feel about the odds of 2016 being able to break that streak.

The thinking was all the far right stuff the GOP did would hurt them in 2012 and 2014, but that didn’t happen.