
Breaking: 7 to 10 Dead, 20 Wounded in Oregon School Shooting

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/01/2015 12:54:37 pm PDT

If you want to take your mind off of the sad events of today, here’s someone acting really stupid to distract you:

Ben Carson on Climate Change: “Gravity, Where Did it Come From?”


At that point, Carson detoured. Though he had been asked about climate change, he continued, “As far as evolution is concerned, you know, I do believe in micro-evolution, or natural selection, but I believe that God gave the creatures he made the ability to adapt to their environment. Because he’s very smart and he didn’t want to start over every 50 years.” (More applause.)

And later in his three-minute response, he said, “Just the way the Earth rotates on its axis, how far away it is from the sun. These are all very complex things. Gravity, where did it come from?”


Ben Carson denying evolution and climate change