
A Ridiculously Awesome Remix of "The Shining:" THE CHICKENING

Pawn of the Oppressor1/29/2016 11:17:42 pm PST

re: #124 WhatEVs

Hah thanks.

Part of me wonders what went through his mind at the end. He fantasized in detail about murdering police in his book, and it clearly didn’t go according to script for him.

So many Americans have sacrificed themselves for real, meaningful things - for their fellow soldiers, rescuing people, fighting in wars against real global enemies, pick any good cause. And this asshole burned up tax dollars and brought fear and hassle and worry to thousands of people, abandoned his family, and died bleeding in the snow on video feed for jack shit.

American Assholes. Men who convince themselves that the world revolves around their opinions, when all they do is bring pain and misery to everything they touch.